Hackernews posts about Tetris
Tetris is a classic puzzle video game where players rotate and arrange falling blocks to create solid lines without gaps.
- First place in Tetris 99 using computer vision, classical AI, a lot of free time (bpinzone.github.io)
- Game developers keep reinventing Tetris (www.polygon.com)
- Show HN: Tetris Variant in a Rotating / Flipping Square (ihopethisisfun.franzai.com)
- Tetris in PostScript (github.com)
- Show HN: I hope this is fun – a Tetris inspired Rotation Block Dropping Game (ihopethisisfun.franzai.com)
- Compiling Tetris from 1992 on OpenVMS x86 (raymii.org)
- Tetris: 1984 Is the Date of Conception (blog.gingerbeardman.com)
- HTML Kaleidoscope (codepen.io)
- DisplayR: AI-powered Analysis and Reporting in R (www.displayr.com)
- Show HN: Tetris in a PDF (th0mas.nl)
- Setris – Tetris with Sand Physics (mslivo.itch.io)
- Tetris Font (2020) (erikdemaine.org)
- After 34 years, someone beat Tetris [video] (www.youtube.com)
- From Nand to Tetris (2017) (www.nand2tetris.org)
- Hackers discover how to reprogram NES Tetris from within the game (arstechnica.com)
- Notris: A Tetris clone for the PlayStation 1 (github.com)
- Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life (2014) (codegolf.stackexchange.com)
- Celebrating the first NES Tetris game crash (biggieblog.com)
- The Sinusoidal Tetris (www.andreinc.net)
- Tetris shows promise in reducing PTSD symptoms (www.legalreader.com)
- The Tetris Effect (nonzerosum.games)
- Fudge: Reverse Tetris (vividfax.itch.io)
- The Sinusoidal Tetris (www.andreinc.net)
- Font as Tetris [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Tetris Max 2.9.1 and Macintosh System 6.0.8 Bugs (www.bigmessowires.com)
- Tetris Randomizers (2018) (simon.lc)
- Tetris Is Forty Years Old (www.bbc.com)
- Why Tetris Consumed Your Brain (www.nytimes.com)
- Is Tetris Really 40 This Year? (www.timeextension.com)
- Some Advice for How to Make Emacs Tetris Harder (2019) (nickdrozd.github.io)
- Tetris for Sharp Electronic Notebook (1989) (blog.gingerbeardman.com)
- Tetris Reversed is unearthed after being forgotten for a decade (venturebeat.com)