Hackernews posts about the Intel 8088
- A Test Suite for the Intel 8088 (martypc.blogspot.com)
- The Complete Bus Logic of the Intel 8088 (martypc.blogspot.com)
- A Test Suite for the Intel 8088 (martypc.blogspot.com)
- The Complete Bus Logic of the Intel 8088 (martypc.blogspot.com)
- How the Intel 8088 Got Its Bus (2022) (www.eejournal.com)
- How flip-flops are implemented in the Intel 8086 processor (www.righto.com)
- Reverse-engineering the Intel 8086 processor's HALT circuits (www.righto.com)
- Lessons from implementing Sokoban for the Intel 8080 (franklin.dyer.me)
- Why are the Intel 8080's rotate instructions opposite to intuition? (2021) (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
- Trilion Dollar Stopgap: The Intel 8086 (thechipletter.substack.com)
- Making an Emulator: Space Invaders on the Intel 8080 (2022) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Turing Complete – The What, Why, and How of the Intel 8008 [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Trillion Dollar Stopgap: The Intel 8086 – By Babbage (thechipletter.substack.com)
- Why did Steve Jobs choose Motorola 68030 for the first NeXT and not Intel 80386? (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
- Intel 8086 Bug: Patching the Silicon (oldbytes.space)
- A close look at the 8086 processor's bus hold circuitry (www.righto.com)
- Patrick Nagel's art used in Intel 8086 ads (www.intel.com)