Hackernews posts about the MOS 6502
- MOnSter 6502: a working transistor-scale replica of the classic MOS 6502 (monster6502.com)
- The MOS 6502 is (mostly) Turing-complete without registers (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
- $58K 6502 (chipscapes.com)
- How similar were the MC6800 and MOS 6502? (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
- Why are antennas popping up all over the foothills? (www.youtube.com)
- Show HN: Ghidra Plays Mario (github.com)
- Show HN: Interactive AI Resume/LinkedIn for better networking/job hunting (www.protoconstruct.com)
- Show HN: WhyBot, making GPT-4 question itself (whybot-khaki.vercel.app)