Hackernews posts about Unikraft
Unikraft is a pioneering open-source development kit that enables developers to create fast and secure unikernels for various applications, empowering the creation of efficient and lightweight software solutions.
- How Unikraft Cloud reduces serverless cold starts with unikernels, microVMs (shivangsnewsletter.com)
- Unikraft Cloud reduces serverless cold starts to milliseconds with unikernel (shivangsnewsletter.com)
- Unikraft: Ultra-Lightweight Virtual Machines (unikraft.org)
- Unikraft Releases v0.12.0 (Epimetheus) (unikraft.org)
- True Serverless with Unikraft Cloud (unikraft.cloud)
- LLAMA2 Running as a Unikraft Unikernel (github.com)
- KraftCloud (github.com)
- Why the Future of Cloud Deployments Is Unikernels (2023) (kraft.cloud)
- What Is a Unikernel? (unikraft.org)
- KraftCloud (unikraft.io)
- Tales of Open Source: Vfscore (unikraft.org)
- KraftKit v0.5 – Package unikernels into OCI archives (github.com)
- Serverless is a Broken Promise to Fix it (unikraft.io)
- Better `npm outdated` command (blog.uidrafter.com)
- Efficiency of AWS Gravitons beats everythin (double.cloud)