Hackernews posts about Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine is a powerful game engine software that enables developers to create high-performance, visually stunning, and interactive 2D and 3D content for various industries such as gaming, film, architecture, and scientific visualization.
- Gaussian Splatting in UnrealEngine [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Game engines and shader stuttering: Unreal Engine's solution to the problem (www.unrealengine.com)
- Show HN: Conv3d – CLI to convert 3D models for the Web (www.npmjs.com)
- He added a dimension to Super Mario World Now 3D (www.creativebloq.com)
- Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles and Unreal Engine (nilsbakker.nl)
- Alt-F4 #65 – Factorio visualizer in Unreal Engine 5 (alt-f4.blog)
- So You've Decided to Move from Unity to Unreal Engine (impromptugames.com)
- Unreal Engine will no longer be free for all (www.creativebloq.com)
- Unreal Engine 5 ported to WebGPU (twitter.com)
- Unreal Engine 5.3 (www.unrealengine.com)
- Unreal Engine 5 can now run in a web browser (www.pcgameshardware.de)
- Show HN: Unreal Engine 5 in WebGPU (twitter.com)
- Updating Unreal Engine Pricing in Late April (www.unrealengine.com)
- Unreal Engine 5 gains WebGPU support (twitter.com)
- Unreal Engine 5 multi-threaded rendering in the browser with WASM (temple.tiwsamples.com)
- Unreal Engine Pricing Changes (gamefromscratch.com)
- Show HN: Unreal Engine 4 WASM space game (play.spacelancers.com)
- Apple Silicon Macs now natively support Unreal Engine 5 (www.engadget.com)
- Why Unreal Engine 5.3 is a BIG Deal [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Unreal Engine 5 now has web browser support (videocardz.com)
- Unreal Engine 5 WebGPU demo with asset streaming (play-dev.simplystream.com)
- Walking the Titanic in 4K (Demo in Unreal Engine) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- SimplyStream – Unreal Engine 5 meets WebGPU (car.tiwsamples.com)
- Lyra, an Unreal Engine 5 demo ported to WebGPU (lyra.tiwsamples.com)
- Unreal Engine 5.2 is now available (www.unrealengine.com)
- Solo dev makes sophisticated SIM Manor Lords using Unreal Engine (www.unrealengine.com)
- Unreal Engine 5 is just insane: this video isn’t real (twitter.com)
- Unreal Engine 5.2 – Next-Gen Graphics Tech Demo [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Future Halo Titles to Use Unreal Engine (www.halowaypoint.com)