Hackernews posts about Voyager 2

Voyager 2 is a robotic space probe launched in 1977 to study the outer Solar System and beyond, now one of the most distant human-made objects in space.

Related: NASA  
  1. voyage-3-large (blog.voyageai.com)
  2. voyage-3-large (blog.voyageai.com)
  3. voyage-3-large (blog.voyageai.com)
  4. voyage-3-large (blog.voyageai.com)
  5. voyage-3-large (blog.voyageai.com)
  6. voyage-3-large (blog.voyageai.com)
  7. voyage-3-large (blog.voyageai.com)
  8. NASA hears back from Voyager 2 (www.scientificamerican.com)
  9. 11 years since Voyager 1 (2008) (nap.nationalacademies.org)