Hackernews posts about Webex
- Show HN: Copy as Org-Mode for Chrome (github.com)
- Show HN: BlogCat – A Blogging Add-On for Firefox (blogcat.org)
- German Military Using WebEx for Secret Talks (www.dw.com)
- Germany Probes Security Breach After Russian Wiretapping of Cisco WebEx (www.bloomberg.com)
- Patched Webex vulnerability exposed German government meetings (www.securityweek.com)
- Show HN: Build WebExtensions in Go, a Native Way (github.com)
- Google Is Bringing Zoom, Teams and Webex Meetings to Android Auto (www.engadget.com)
- Webex by Cisco: Vulnerability enables metadata leakage (www.bsi.bund.de)
- Unleash AI in the Browser with WebextLLM (medium.com)
- Webex.com: The Leader in Infinite Redirection (www.webex.com)
- Show HN: Planning Poker for Teams/Meet/Zoom/WebEx (planningpoker.live)
- Cisco fixes WebEx flaw that allowed government, military meetings to be spied on (www.theregister.com)
- German Military's Use of WebEx and Data Broker Order (www.lawfaremedia.org)
- Show HN: Switch to Audible Tab [WebExtension] (github.com)
- Show HN: DOM Update Highlighter (WebExtension) (dom-up.date)
- Show HN: Building Browser Extensions Using FileSystem APIs (and ChatGPT) (flow.wavebox.io)
- I built a platform for discovering and sharing Chrome extension collections (webextension.net)
- Honey Extension loses 3M users, hits 10k+ one-star reviews (webextension.net)
- Wayback Machine Web Browser Extension (github.com)