Hackernews posts about WebRTC
WebRTC is a set of APIs and protocols that enables real-time communication between web browsers and native applications, allowing for peer-to-peer connections, file transfers, and video conferencing capabilities.
- Build Voice AI Apps with NextJS and WebRTC (openai-rt-shadcn.vercel.app)
- WebRTC Is Broken in Firefox (bugzilla.mozilla.org)
- WebRTC Fork of Simplified OpenAI Realtime Console (github.com)
- Private Home Surveillance with the WebRTC DataChannel (webrtchacks.com)
- "THIS_IS_SDPARTA" in a Firefox WebRTC session description (stackoverflow.com)
- H265 WebRTC Support Enabled in Broadcast Box (github.com)
- Show HN: SecureShare – P2P file/text sharing with no size limits, no servers (www.securityshare.xyz)
- Show HN: Wheel Ball – Multiplayer game for the web (miguelripoll23.github.io)
- Saving pages as standard archival web archives (WARC) (webrecorder.net)
- OBS merges WebRTC support (github.com)
- Peerfetch – Peer-to-Peer HTTP over WebRTC (github.com)
- WebRTC for the Curious (2020) (webrtcforthecurious.com)
- WebRTC support being added to FFmpeg (github.com)
- Overlay networks based on WebRTC (github.com)
- Peer Calls: WebRTC peer to peer calls for everyone (github.com)
- Go Donut: Convert Live Streaming to WebRTC (github.com)
- Pure C WebRTC (github.com)
- P2pcf: P2P WebRTC via Cloudflare Workers (github.com)
- You Can't Spell WebRTC Without RCE – Part 1 (margin.re)
- An updated Node-WebRTC that works with Node Stable (github.com)
- OBS merges AV1 support for WebRTC (github.com)
- Show HN: Remote terminal via WebRTC, incl. file-transfer – no SSH/VPN required (transitiverobotics.com)
- Show HN: P2P file transfer using WebRTC (taonexus.com)
- Cloudflare released WebRTC TURN via anycast (blog.cloudflare.com)
- OpenAI WebRTC Audio Demo (simonwillison.net)
- Pure Go Implementation of the WebRTC API (github.com)
- InLive Hub – open-source Golang WebRTC SFU library (github.com)
- Kssht, Over: Walkie-Talkies and WebRTC (www.mux.com)