Hackernews posts about YC W20
YC W20 is Y Combinator's Winter 2020 startup batch.
- Show HN: ZeroEntropy (YC W25), Advanced AI Search over Complex Documents (dashboard.zeroentropy.dev)
- Recently rejected from W25 YC would love some feedback (www.phibel.studio)
- Toma (YC W24) – Founding Eng (SF) – We're Scaling 4x – $20k Referral Bonus (www.ycombinator.com)
- Tobiko Acquires Quary (YC W24) (tobikodata.com)
- Ploomber (YC W22) Is Hiring Senior Software Engineers NYC/Remote US (www.ycombinator.com)
- Show HN: Signadot (YC W20): Local Testing with Shared Kubernetes Clusters (www.signadot.com)
- The Case for Reforesting Abandoned Mineland with Living Carbon (YC W20) (www.livingcarbon.com)