Hackernews posts about Yubikey
Yubikey is a type of security key that provides strong authentication and encryption for digital identities, allowing users to securely access online accounts, systems, and services using a physical token.
- EUCLEAK Side-Channel Attack on the YubiKey 5 Series (ninjalab.io)
- How to Yubikey (debugging.works)
- How to weaponize the Yubikey (2019) (www.blackhillsinfosec.com)
- An Opinionated Yubikey Set-Up Guide (www.procustodibus.com)
- My Age+Yubikeys Password Management Solution (words.filippo.io)
- Discord Rolled Out Yubikeys for All Employees (discord.com)
- The Yubikey Is the Digital Seatbelt We Need (www.zagaja.com)
- Yubikey 5.7 (www.yubico.com)
- Yubikey Authenticator (avc.mirror.xyz)
- Yubikeys are vulnerable to cloning attacks thanks to side channel (arstechnica.com)
- Yubikey 5 are vulnerable to side channel cloning attacks (arstechnica.com)
- Discord Rolled Out Yubikeys for All Employees (discord.com)
- Security Advisory YSA-2024-01 Yubikey Manager Privilege Escalation (www.yubico.com)
- SSH Authentication via Yubikeys (feldspaten.org)
- Yubikey Manager Privilege Escalation (www.openwall.com)
- Passwordless sudo and verified Git commit signing with Yubikey (www.zackproser.com)
- Setting up multiple Yubikeys and Git signing on macOS (glenngillen.com)
- Protecting Signal Keys on Desktop with Yubikeys (cryptographycaffe.sandboxaq.com)