Hackernews posts about Zhao
Zhao is the CEO of Binance, the cryptocurrency giant accused by the SEC of violating US securities laws.
- Zhan zhuang (站桩) day 3 [video] (www.youtube.com)
- The Genesis Project (twitter.com)
- Caffeine: Prevent your computer from going to sleep (www.zhornsoftware.co.uk)
- The Genesis project – 4D generative physics (twitter.com)
- Photography, Go, & AI (www.zhangjingna.com)
- Announcing The Genesis Project (twitter.com)
- WTH are Amazon S3 Tables? And why they are NOT useful for enterprises (www.mooncake.dev)
- Show HN: writenow: the command-line clone of Ensō (github.com)
- 38th Chaos Communication Congress (events.ccc.de)
- 38th Chaos Communication Congress (events.ccc.de)
- The Chaos (1922) (ncf.idallen.com)
- Total Chaos at Meta: Employees Protest Zuckerberg's Anti LGBTQ Changes (www.404media.co)
- Signalling chaos: Inside the Elizabeth line's two-day breakdown (www.ianvisits.co.uk)
- Musk Chaos in Government Funding Process Protects His Chinese Investments (delauro.house.gov)
- Beijing willing to deepen economic ties with Canada as Trump brings trade chaos (www.theglobeandmail.com)
- The Kicked Rotor – A Chaotic Playground (ilyaorson.github.io)
- From Chaos to Simplicity: A Tale of Software, Scripts (contact-rajeshvinayagam.medium.com)
- Once Upon a Time in Shaolin (en.wikipedia.org)
- Don't Create Chaos (staysaasy.com)
- Chaos Monkey from Netflix (netflix.github.io)
- Chaos Packaging (www.wsj.com)
- Visualizing the Entire Order and Chaos of the Double Pendulum [video] (www.youtube.com)
- What Shakespeare revealed about the chaotic Richard 3 reign that still resonates (theconversation.com)
- Customer feedback chaos: how to please everyone? (blog.taktique.com)