Hackernews posts about 3DS
3DS is Nintendo's third-generation handheld game console that combines portability and power to play games in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional formats.
- Experiencing a Victorian London street in 3D (jacobfilipp.com)
- Fire-Flyer File System (3FS) (github.com)
- 3dfx: So powerful, it's kind of ridiculous (2023) (www.abortretry.fail)
- Understanding Smallpond and 3FS (www.definite.app)
- Bolt3D: Generating 3D Scenes in Seconds (szymanowiczs.github.io)
- PrintedLabs – 3D printable optical experiment equipment (printedlabs.uni-bayreuth.de)
- DESI Opens Access to the Largest 3D Map of the Universe Yet (newscenter.lbl.gov)
- Rotors: A practical introduction for 3D graphics (2023) (jacquesheunis.com)
- Experiment: Can 3D improve AI video consistency? (backdroptech.github.io)
- WonderHuman: 3D avatars from single-view video (arxiv.org)
- Portugal rules out buying F-35s because of Trump (www.politico.eu)
- Bambu Labs launches 3D-printable toys with reusable electronics (www.theverge.com)
- 3FS – a parallel file system from DeepSeek (twitter.com)
- Roblox Open-Sourcing Cube 3D Mesh Gen Model (corp.roblox.com)
- DeepSeek smallpond, 3FS and data processing for AI (blog.getdaft.io)
- Anukari 3D Physics Synthesizer (anukari.com)
- 3D Audio Software – Audiocube (main.audiocube.app)
- Show HN: PeriodicTable3D – Interactive 3D Exploration of the Elements (www.periodictable3d.com)
- Text to 3D Model (greengrassai.com)
- You Don't Need a Kill Switch to Hobble Exported F-35s (www.twz.com)
- 3D Virtual Pet (worawork-tamagotchi.vercel.app)
- Show HN: I vibe coded this 3D space meteor shooting web game in 3 days (www.space-cruise.tech)
- Moth employs novel optical illusion to appear 3D (cosmosmagazine.com)
- I built a tool to visualize different amounts of money in 3D (cash-stack.com)