Hackernews posts about 8086
8086 is an x86-compatible microprocessor introduced in 1981, widely used in early IBM PCs and compatible systems.
- Show HN: 10biForthOS a full 8086 OS in 46 bytes (git.sr.ht)
- Hackers get $886,250 for 49 zero-days at Pwn2Own Automotive 2025 (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- World and Human Action Models towards gameplay ideation (www.nature.com)
- Distillation Scaling Laws (arxiv.org)
- Teenage Engineering OP-XY review: a fun, powerful, and expensive instrument (www.theverge.com)
- Acting Immorally to Self-Enhance: The Role of Diagnostic Self-Deception (www.journals.uchicago.edu)
- More Laws, More Growth? Evidence from U.S. States (www.journals.uchicago.edu)
- Pretraining on the Test Set Is All You Need (arxiv.org)
- High-Throughput SAT Sampling (arxiv.org)
- The Algorithmic Origin of Life (royalsocietypublishing.org)
- Undocumented 8086 instructions, explained by the microcode (www.righto.com)
- How flip-flops are implemented in the Intel 8086 processor (www.righto.com)
- How DOS was able to use most of the 1 MB address space of the 8086 (blogsystem5.substack.com)
- How the 8086 processor determines the length of an instruction (www.righto.com)
- A close look at the 8086 processor's bus hold circuitry (www.righto.com)
- Online 8086 Emulator (yjdoc2.github.io)
- A Counterfeit 8086 Processor (2020) (www.righto.com)
- "Micro Chart" CPU reference cards (6502, Z80, 8088/8086, 68000) (retrocomputingforum.com)
- Reverse-engineering the 8086 processor’s address and data pin circuits (blog.adafruit.com)
- ELKS Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset – Linux for 8086 (github.com)
- ELKS 0.70 released: Linux for the 8086 (github.com)
- Trilion Dollar Stopgap: The Intel 8086 (thechipletter.substack.com)
- Finding Undocumented 8086 Instructions via Microcode (hackaday.com)
- 8086's Non-Computational Instructions (www.progsbase.com)
- 8086 Microcode Disassembled (www.reenigne.org)
- Patrick Nagel's art used in Intel 8086 ads (www.intel.com)
- ISA PicoMEM Extension board (For 8086/8088 PC) (github.com)
- Installing FreeDOS for 8086 on an IBM 5150 [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Installing FreeDOS for 8086 on an IBM 5150 (www.youtube.com)
- Trillion Dollar Stopgap: The Intel 8086 – By Babbage (thechipletter.substack.com)