Hackernews posts about 8086
8086 is an x86-compatible microprocessor introduced in 1981, widely used in early IBM PCs and compatible systems.
- Visualize Your SHA-256 (deepnote.com)
- Privacy and control over your Recall experience (support.microsoft.com)
- Drug trials are 50% more effective when sponsored by the manufacturer (www.journals.uchicago.edu)
- A/B Testing with Fat Tails (www.journals.uchicago.edu)
- Welcome to the Jungle (anderssundman.medium.com)
- Killing or Wounding to Protect a Property Interest (1971) (www.journals.uchicago.edu)
- A bug fix in the 8086 microprocessor, revealed in the die's silicon (www.righto.com)
- How the 8086 processor's microcode engine works (www.righto.com)
- Undocumented 8086 instructions, explained by the microcode (www.righto.com)
- 8086 Processor's microcode pipeline from die analysis (www.righto.com)
- How flip-flops are implemented in the Intel 8086 processor (www.righto.com)
- How DOS was able to use most of the 1 MB address space of the 8086 (blogsystem5.substack.com)
- Inside the 8086 processor's instruction prefetch circuitry (www.righto.com)
- The unusual bootstrap drivers inside the 8086 microprocessor chip (www.righto.com)
- How the 8086 processor determines the length of an instruction (www.righto.com)
- Reverse-engineering the Intel 8086 processor's HALT circuits (www.righto.com)
- Undocumented 8086 Opcodes part 1 (2017) (www.os2museum.com)
- A close look at the 8086 processor's bus hold circuitry (www.righto.com)
- Online 8086 Emulator (yjdoc2.github.io)
- A Counterfeit 8086 Processor (2020) (www.righto.com)
- "Micro Chart" CPU reference cards (6502, Z80, 8088/8086, 68000) (retrocomputingforum.com)