Hackernews posts about A&W
- Getting to 2M users as a one woman dev team [video] (brightonruby.com)
- Stop Trying to Schedule a Call with Me (matduggan.com)
- Be Aware of the Makefile Effect (blog.yossarian.net)
- How to lose a fortune with one bad click (krebsonsecurity.com)
- I wrote a Game Boy Advance game in Zig (jonot.me)
- Show HN: I made a website to semantically search ArXiv papers (papermatch.mitanshu.tech)
- Show HN: FixBrowser – a lightweight web browser created from scratch (www.fixbrowser.org)
- Show HN: Artemis, a Calm Web Reader (artemis.jamesg.blog)
- Writing a simple pool allocator in C (8dcc.github.io)
- App Should Have Been a Website (and Probably Your Game Too) (rogueengine.io)
- Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life (2014) (codegolf.stackexchange.com)
- Ada's dependent types, and its types as a whole (nytpu.com)
- Hyperview – Native mobile apps, as easy as creating a website (hyperview.org)
- Show HN: I made a web app to bring children's drawings to life (doodledreams.cc)
- Write a Shell in C (2015) (brennan.io)
- Crunch – a Scheme compiler with a minimal runtime (www.more-magic.net)
- CodeMic: A new way to talk about code (codemic.io)
- Who Can Understand the Proof? A Window on Formalized Mathematics (writings.stephenwolfram.com)
- Ingrid Daubechies awarded National Medal of Science (today.duke.edu)
- How concurrency works: A visual guide (wyounas.github.io)
- Physicists Magnetize a Material with Light (news.mit.edu)
- Talking over a wall changed my direction as a programmer (thecodist.com)
- When a winter storm trapped a luxury passenger train near Donner Pass (www.smithsonianmag.com)