Hackernews posts about AiOla
- We've replaced our rule-based health engine with LLM (www.aidlab.com)
- Transforming How Our Health Insights Engine Works (www.aidlab.com)
- A post by Guido van Rossum removed for violating Python community guidelines (discuss.python.org)
- LTT video on de-Googling removed for "violating community guidelines" (linustechtips.com)
- US Gov Sues Georgia Institute of Technology for Cybersecurity Violations (www.justice.gov)
- Yelp sues Google for antitrust violations (www.theverge.com)
- Bypass Paywalls Clean Shut Down for DMCA Anti-Circumvention Violations (torrentfreak.com)
- Cops' favorite face image search engine fined $33M for privacy violation (arstechnica.com)
- Copyright Infringementand License Violation (github.com)
- US Files Suit Against Georgia Tech Alleging Cybersecurity Violations (www.justice.gov)
- GDPR Guru – Assess whether your actions violate GDPR using AI (gdprguru.100toolkit.com)
- Ford Motor Company: Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding Violations (www.documentcloud.org)
- Search New York City parking and camera violations (www.howsmydrivingny.nyc)
- Show HN: I made an app for content moderation using AI (www.gardianai.com)
- Disabled man received $600/mo to visit Oregon businesses he then sued (www.oregonlive.com)
- NYC Employer Wall of Shame (comptroller.nyc.gov)
- Spanish airline reserves 10 Airlander airships (www.bbc.com)
- Show HN: Aisolarpunk – Explore thousands of AI generated SolarPunk pictures (www.aisolarpunk.com)
- Show HN: AiPlacard – AI Tools Directory (aiplacard.com)
- Anyone Used Ailancer Before? (ailancer.co)
- Reimagining Infrastructure – Airlander Case Study – Scottish Highlands / Islands (www.hybridairvehicles.com)
- Show HN: Mutable.ai Codebase chat that uses a Wiki for RAG (wiki.mutable.ai)
- On the paper “Exploring the MIT Mathematics and EECS Curriculum Using LLMs” [pdf] (people.csail.mit.edu)
- Choose the smallest number not chosen yet (www.amolas.dev)
- Introduction to Program Synthesis (people.csail.mit.edu)
- A number that can't be calculated (www.amolas.dev)
- Looking for the best Chess960 starting position (www.amolas.dev)
- The Sweet Spot for Buying Used Cars (www.amolas.dev)
- Mate with only pawns and no promotions (www.amolas.dev)
- Show HN: Play Wordle vs. ChatGPT (aiplayswordle.com)
- How We Made Wearables for Medical Researchers (howtoware.co)
- AI Plays Wordle: Can You Beat an AI at Wordle? (aiplayswordle.com)
- (Blog) Write an Email Microservice: Localized, Automated, Scalable and Testable (apolat2000.github.io)
- Feynman's Restaurant Problem (www.amolas.dev)
- AI Placeholder: Open-Source GPT-Powered Fake REST API (aiplaceholder.terrydjony.com)