Hackernews posts about Aldi
Aldi is a German-based discount grocery store chain that operates over 10,000 stores globally and is known for its affordable prices and efficient supply chain management.
Raspberry Pi
- How does Aldi keep their prices so low [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Keyboard with switchable dynamic key layout and background screen (fluxkeyboard.com)
- First builds from Haiku R1/beta5 branch available for testing (discuss.haiku-os.org)
- Adding 16 kb page size to Android (android-developers.googleblog.com)
- CitizenDJ – Make music using free audio and video from the Library of Congress (citizen-dj.labs.loc.gov)
- Parkinson's may begin in the gut, study says, adding to growing evidence (www.washingtonpost.com)
- Rethinking addiction as a chronic brain disease (www.nytimes.com)
- Adding algebraic data types to Nickel (www.tweag.io)
- Trying for twelve years to chase down and catch an antelope by foot [audio] (www.thisamericanlife.org)
- Why we need Ladybird [audio] (changelog.com)
- the US should place a value of $1.17M per additional birth (model-thinking.com)
- Surging Belief in Alien Visitors Is Becoming a Serious Problem for Our Society (www.sciencealert.com)
- LoFone is the antidote to smartphone addiction (lo-fone.com)
- Starliner Spacecraft Noise [audio] (cdn.arstechnica.net)
- New Painkiller Could Bring Relief to Millions–Without Addiction Risk (www.scientificamerican.com)
- librosa: Python library for audio and music analysis (github.com)
- America Can Break Its Highway Addiction (slate.com)
- Loopy: Taming Audio-Driven Portrait Avatar with Long-Term Motion Dependency (loopyavatar.github.io)
- America Can Break Its Highway Addiction (slate.com)
- ActionGPT: AI Copilot for Real-Time Audio Actions and Instant Answers (www.actiongpt.app)
- Loopy: Lip-Sync AI (Audio-Driven Portrait Avatar Generation) (loopyavatar.github.io)
- The Winamp Era [audio] (changelog.com)
- the US Grid Is Adding Batteries at a Much Faster Rate Than Natural Gas (arstechnica.com)
- Your Audiobook (seths.blog)
- Phil Donahue, Talk Host Who Made Audiences Part of the Show, Dies at 88 (www.nytimes.com)