Hackernews posts about Anki
Anki is a popular educational software that uses intelligent flashcards to help users memorize and learn new information through spaced repetition.
- Show HN: Anki AI Utils (github.com)
- 20 reasons why Anki isn’t popular (expertium.github.io)
- 12 years of studying foreign languages with Anki (andlukyane.com)
- How to never forget anything ever again with Anki (fredkozlowski.com)
- Custom statistics for Anki flashcard reviews (www.encona.com)
- Show HN: Free spaced repetition Anki app (memoanki.com)
- Show HN: LeetCode with Spaced Repetition (www.ankicode.com)
- Unfair coins: an AI/Bio founder story (ankitg.me)
- Why did Microsoft give GitHub Copilot away for free? (www.cummulative.io)
- The Anti-Social Century (www.theatlantic.com)
- Vanished from Google/Bing/LinkedIn: a rebuttal of an anti-net neutrality paper (internetthought.blogspot.com)
- What was the Golden Age of Antibiotics, and how can we spark a new one? (ourworldindata.org)
- Australian Open resorts to animated caricatures to bypass broadcast restrictions (www.crikey.com.au)
- Running Animations Without Keyframes (css-tip.com)
- Total Chaos at Meta: Employees Protest Zuckerberg's Anti LGBTQ Changes (www.404media.co)
- "Why learning the C language is still a good idea" by Antirez (www.youtube.com)
- Anti-science mysticism is enabling autocracy around the globe (www.theatlantic.com)
- The people fighting to get through to anti-science Americans (www.theguardian.com)
- Drawing Animals with Margaret Mead (www.psychologytoday.com)
- 10-Step Anti-Procrastination Checklist (2013) (www.lesswrong.com)
- Germany's SPD Calls for Antitrust Act to Clip Elon Musk's Power (www.bloomberg.com)
- Antirez on Technical Blogging (writethatblog.substack.com)
- As obesity skyrockets, Dietary Guidelines go from pro-vegetable to anti-meat (uncertaintyprinciples.substack.com)