Hackernews posts about Arch
Arch is a lightweight and highly customizable open-source operating system that offers a rolling-release model, allowing users to stay up-to-date with the latest software packages without having to reinstall the entire distribution.
- Alonzo Church: Architect of computer intelligence (onepercentrule.substack.com)
- Archaeometallurgical investigation of the Nebra Sky Disc (www.nature.com)
- Show HN: Flash Kitty – Archive of Adobe/Macromedia Flash Movies from Flash Kit (flashkitty.gzalo.com)
- OpenAI Email Archives (www.lesswrong.com)
- Internet Archive Services Update (blog.archive.org)
- Archetypes of LLM apps (www.contraption.co)
- Getting lost and found in the Bob Dylan archives (www.bookforum.com)
- AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volumes 1–5 [pdf] (www.amd.com)
- Arm PC Base System Architecture 1.0 (developer.arm.com)
- Steve Jobs Archive (stevejobsarchive.com)
- Internet Archive "Save Page Now" has been re-enabled (web.archive.org)
- Arch Linux starts licensing PKGBUILDs (lwn.net)
- OpenAI Email Archives (From Musk vs. Altman) (www.lesswrong.com)
- Exploring the Power of Parallelized CPU Architectures (research.meekolab.com)
- Branching Beyond Leonardo: The Evolution of Tree Architecture Theory (worldsensorium.com)
- Unreal and Unreal Tournament Are in the Internet Archive (www.rockpapershotgun.com)
- OpenAI vs. Musk Email Archives (www.lesswrong.com)
- Unreal and Unreal Tournament are now free and preserved on the Internet Archive (www.rockpapershotgun.com)
- Show HN: Architectural Metapatterns Book [pdf] (github.com)
- Zero Disk Architecture (avi.im)