Hackernews posts about AsciiDoc
AsciiDoc is a lightweight markup language that allows users to write documents in plain text using a syntax similar to Markdown, but with added features and flexibility for creating structured documentation.
- I wish Asciidoc was more popular (pdx.su)
- AsciiDoc, Liquid and Jekyll (mattrighetti.com)
- Using AsciiDoc and Asciidoctor for Blogging (duncanlock.net)
- Asciidoctor: A fast text processor and publishing toolchain (asciidoctor.org)
- Using AsciiDoc to write my two books (www.yieldcode.blog)
- AsciiDoc (asciidoc.org)
- AsciiDoc (asciidoc.org)
- Beta of a new writing software for Mac and iPad based on AsciiDoc started (www.adoc-studio.app)
- The Complete Guide to AsciiDoc in 2024 (www.adoc-studio.app)
- AsciiDoc (asciidoc.org)
- Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format specification (github.com)
- Show HN: ASCIIROIDS (github.com)
- ASCIImoji (asciimoji.com)
- Asciicker – let's kick some ASCII (asciicker.com)
- Asciicker (asciicker.com)
- AsciiFolders (www.asciifolders.com)
- Show HN: Generate ASCII Charts on iOS (apps.apple.com)
- ASCII FacePalm (www.asciifacepalm.com)
- NYC traffic cameras rendered in ASCII (www.val.town)
- ASCII NYC Traffic Cameras (www.val.town)
- Etymology of the Word "Technology" (twitter.com)
- Early tests of img2img in real-time (twitter.com)