Hackernews posts about Jekyll
Jekyll is a popular open-source static site generator that enables developers to create websites and blogs from plain text files without requiring a database or dynamic content generation.
- Show HN: SQLite Plugin for Jekyll (github.com)
- Jekyll to Astro: an AI-assisted migration (www.kevinlondon.com)
- A place for me (geohot.github.io)
- AsciiDoc, Liquid and Jekyll (mattrighetti.com)
- Mastodon-powered Blog Comments for static Jekyll sites (cassidyjames.com)
- Show HN: Subscriber-Only – Paid Subscriptions for Jekyll (subscriber-only.com)
- Show HN: MyJekyllBlog – an open source CMS and web host for Jekyll blogs (myjekyllblog.com)
- Some Thoughts on Jekyll (anderegg.ca)
- Walter Isaacson on “It's Almost Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (www.cbsnews.com)
- From Jekyll to Hugo: my experience as a noob in web development (giuliomagnifico.blog)
- Show HN: The Flowbite Jekyll Starter Template (ww1.santiagomartins.com)
- Gatsby, Ghost, Hugo, Jekyll or another static site generator? (old.reddit.com)
- My Jekyll GitHub website was hacked, what can I do? (webmasters.stackexchange.com)
- Writing a Jekyll Converter for Literate Programming (pollrobots.com)
- .NET SSG Razor Pages Jekyll alternative for creating static websites and blogs (razor-ssg.web-templates.io)
- Client-side comments with Mastodon on a static Jekyll website (jan.wildeboer.net)
- Six Years of Jekyll (www.bryanbraun.com)
- How I Write for the Web – Jekyll and GitHub Pages (anderegg.ca)
- Svekyll: The simplicity of Jekyll with the power of Svelte (extrastatic.dev)
- Jekyll on iOS: When Benign Apps Become Evil (2013) (www.usenix.org)
- Dr. Jekyll's Themes resurrected after over 5 years of unmaintainance (drjekyllthemes.github.io)
- Moving from WordPress to Jekyll – A Case Study (blog.playcanvas.com)
- Benchmarking Hugo vs. Jekyll vs. GitHub Pages in 2024 (michaelnordmeyer.com)
- Jekyllpad Online Content Editor (jekyllpad.github.io)
- Online Content Editor for Jekyll and GitHub Pages (www.jekyllpad.com)
- New Blog with Jekyll and Minima (rodneylafuente.com)