Hackernews posts about ASF
- Fixing a bug in Google Chrome as a first-time contributor (cprimozic.net)
- Kagi Assistant (blog.kagi.com)
- The Pentium as a Navajo Weaving (www.righto.com)
- CEOs are running companies from afar even as workers return to office (www.bloomberg.com)
- Dogs can remember names of toys years after not seeing them, study shows (www.theguardian.com)
- Ask for Advice, Not Permission (2015) (boz.com)
- Americans' love affair with big cars is killing them (www.economist.com)
- Mondragon as the new city-state (www.elysian.press)
- Microsoft's 'Recall' feature can't be uninstalled after all (mashable.com)
- Asking the wrong questions (2017) (www.ben-evans.com)
- Show HN: A modern way to type in African languages (github.com)
- Firewall rules: not as secure as you think (www.haskellforall.com)
- Small asteroid to hit Earth's atmosphere today (earthsky.org)
- Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests (hechingerreport.org)