Hackernews posts about Atmos
Prime Video
- The Upper Atmosphere Is Cooling, Prompting New Climate Concerns (e360.yale.edu)
- The atmosphere is getting better at cleaning itself–but that's not all good news (theconversation.com)
- Life in an Atmospheric Zoo (nautil.us)
- A Three-Dimensional Look at an Exoplanet Atmosphere (www.centauri-dreams.org)
- Flaws in Ice Core Reconstructions of Atmospheric CO2 [pdf] (scienceofclimatechange.org)
- Pandora: Exoplanet Atmospheres via Smallsat (www.centauri-dreams.org)
- Departing Words from a Terminated US Federal Worker (atmos.earth)
- The modern era of low-flying satellites may begin this week (arstechnica.com)
- California's Problem Now Isn't Fire–It's Rain (www.wired.com)
- How Pi Almost Wasn't (mathenchant.wordpress.com)
- Tesla sales almost halved in Europe last month (www.businessinsider.com)
- A simple geometry question that fools almost everyone (www.theguardian.com)
- Tesla sales almost halve in Europe as Musk faces criticism over Trump ties (www.theguardian.com)
- Walgreens agrees to be acquired by private equity firm for almost $10B (chicago.suntimes.com)
- Almost 50 schools in South Korea to shut down amid worsening birth rate crisis (www.independent.co.uk)