Hackernews posts about Bash
Bash is a Unix shell and command-line interpreter that allows users to interact with an operating system using commands and scripts.
- A Raycaster in Bash (github.com)
- Today I learned that bash has hashmaps (2024) (xeiaso.net)
- Bash Completion (2023) (erikarow.land)
- Bashform: Create and Share Forms over SSH (github.com)
- Nvidia showers Trump with praise as it bashes Biden's new rule (www.neowin.net)
- Bash: Creating and Managing Child Processes (benjackson.blog)
- Bash Script to Stream line downloading Stuff (pastebin.com)
- Show HN: writenow: the command-line clone of Ensō (github.com)
- A data table thousands of years old (2020) (www.datafix.com.au)
- Carbon-Negative Concrete: A Game Changer for a Sustainable Future (2022) (www.japan.go.jp)
- Asdf soon to release go rewrite (github.com)
- Back to basics: Why we chose long-polling over websockets (www.inferable.ai)
- Standard patterns in choice-based games (2015) (heterogenoustasks.wordpress.com)
- Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation (pbr-book.org)
- I still don't think companies serve you ads based on your microphone (simonwillison.net)
- Rational or not? This basic math question took decades to answer (www.quantamagazine.org)
- The Family Bass - Music with an NES (www.linusakesson.net)