Hackernews posts about Bash
Bash is a Unix shell and command-line interpreter that allows users to interact with an operating system using commands and scripts.
- Pong.bash (0x0.st)
- LLM_transcribe_recording: Bash Helper Using Mlx_whisper (gist.github.com)
- Metaprogramming in Bash (adam.younglogic.com)
- Show HN: Ward – a file vault written in bash (github.com)
- Using Go instead of bash for scripts (blog.kowalczyk.info)
- Save Effort: Build a Bash One-Liner (exploring-better-ways.bellroy.com)
- C Scripting with TCC and Bash (alurm.github.io)
- Pong.bash (0x0.st)
- Wormaze: TUI Game Written in Bash (github.com)
- Bacon: A BASH BASIC-to-C converter (web.archive.org)
- Show HN: Terminal-Based Flashcards in Bash (gist.github.com)
- Running Bash Scripts in a Kubernetes CronJob (hvalls.dev)
- Show HN: Clai v1.5 – Multi LLM vendor unix-like cli (github.com)
- Show HN: My Command Line Todo List (www.makervoyage.com)
- Star Trek time travels to August 30, 2024 (old.reddit.com)
- Building PC game UIs using React (www.frontendundefined.com)
- Zen, a Arc-like open-source browser based on the Firefox engine (www.zen-browser.app)
- Basic Mechanisms In Fire Control Computers (1953) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Serving AI from the Basement – 192GB of VRAM Setup (ahmadosman.com)