Hackernews posts about Bolt
Bolt is a payment company that offers an online checkout platform for e-commerce businesses.
- A Scientific American bolt puzzle (leancrew.com)
- Open-source alternative to v0, Lovable, bolt (coding-agent.cerebrium.ai)
- Native Mobile App Support on Bolt (bolt.new)
- Bolt Graphics Zeus: New GPU arch with 2.25TB VRAM and 800GbE (www.servethehome.com)
- Bolt Graphics Zeus the New GPU Architecture with Up to 2.25TB of Memory, 800GbE (www.servethehome.com)
- I built a Chrome extension for bolt.new, with bolt (superchargebolt.com)
- Red Bull Racing: The Life of a Bolt (www.redbull.com)
- Bolt 100K Open Source Fund (blog.stackblitz.com)
- Show HN: A big tech dev experience for an open source CMS (contentfoundry.com)
- Show HN: I Used AI to Fight ATS Rejection – 500 Signups in 5 Days (www.resumeadapter.com)
- Show HN: AI Agent for Valentines Cards (valentines.assistant-ui.com)
- Show HN: I Made an AI Birthday Poem Generator (www.thebirthdaypoem.com)
- New GPU is 10 times faster than the RTX 5090 (www.xda-developers.com)
- The Fastest Graphics Processor (bolt.graphics)
- Money Is the Map (geohot.github.io)
- Why do we have both CSRF protection and CORS? (smagin.fyi)
- Why Quantum Cryptanalysis is Bollocks [pdf] (www.cs.auckland.ac.nz)
- Why bother with privacy when I have nothing to hide? (2023) (hannahonprivacy.substack.com)
- AI 'wingmen' bots to write profiles and flirt on dating apps (www.theguardian.com)