Hackernews posts about Borland
- Maptun and Sac Are Reviving Saab in Taiwan: Bold Move for the Brand's Future (www.saabplanet.com)
- Can Portland Turn a Corner? (www.bloomberg.com)
- Senior State Dept. Advisor "BigBalls" Ran Image Host with Racist/Pedophilic URLs (www.muskwatch.com)
- Why did Borland ignore the Macintosh market? (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
- They don't make 'em like that any more: Borland Turbo Pascal 7 (kevinboone.me)
- Borland C++ Builder (2015) (runtimeterror.com)
- Revisiting Borland Turbo C/C++, A Great IDE back in the 90s – CodeProject (www.codeproject.com)
- Borland Turbo Pascal 3.0 for CP/M 80 on MinZ SBC [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Revisiting Borland Turbo C And C++ (hackaday.com)
- Blast from the Past: Borland C++ on Windows 98 (nullprogram.com)
- SDL for Borland BGI (github.com)
- DOS Days – Borland International (www.dosdays.co.uk)
- Blast from the Past: Borland C++ on Windows 98 (nullprogram.com)
- Blast from the Past: Borland C++ on Windows 98 (nullprogram.com)
- McDonald's just dropped a brand new Game Boy game (retrododo.com)
- Privacy Nightmare on Wheels’: Every Car Brand Reviewed by Mozilla (foundation.mozilla.org)
- The brand new Thunderbird logo (blog.thunderbird.net)
- Carrefour puts ‘shrinkflation’ price warnings on food to shame brands (www.theguardian.com)
- Bollards: Why and What (josh.works)
- 3K free SVG icons for popular brands (simpleicons.org)
- YouTube blocks Russell Brand from making money through its platform (www.nytimes.com)
- Apollo astronaut Frank Borman has died (www.washingtonpost.com)
- Tesla has the highest fatal accident rate of all auto brands, study finds (www.roadandtrack.com)