Hackernews posts about Catcher
- Revolutionizing software testing: Introducing LLM-powered bug catchers (engineering.fb.com)
- Wiretap Detector App for Catching IMSI Catchers (techblog.bozho.net)
- Revolutionizing software testing: Introducing LLM-powered bug catchers (engineering.fb.com)
- Building Friend Catchers (ferrucc.io)
- Einstein Probe catches X-ray odd couple (www.esa.int)
- Show HN: I Reinvented the iPod but for Desktop (www.desktopipod.com)
- Show HN: Decision Chess – A chess variant where players play on the same turn (decisionchess.com)
- I think copywriting is trying to kill me (catherineshannon.substack.com)
- An Attempt to Catch Up with JIT Compilers (arxiv.org)
- Tattoo ink exposure is associated with lymphoma and skin cancers (bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com)
- I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats (thewalrus.ca)
- A quick review of file watchers (anarc.at)
- Montana Renews Accused Cancer Doctor's License Despite Criminal, Civil Inquiries (www.propublica.org)
- Scientists crack how aspirin might stop cancers from spreading (www.bbc.co.uk)
- Hybrid in-memory and disk cache in Rust (github.com)
- Gulf of Mexico Watcher (gulfofwhat.com)
- The Ruby on Rails Podcast Episode 533: Catching Up with Nick Schwaderer (www.therubyonrailspodcast.com)
- Eeny Meeny Miny Mo, Catch a Pterosaur by Its Neck (www.nytimes.com)
- Microbenchmarks: HashMap, ConcurrentHashMap, and Guava Caches (blog.tombert.com)
- OpenCore Legacy Patcher: Experience macOS just like before (dortania.github.io)
- Show HN: Breakout with a roguelite/vampire survivor twist (breakout.lecaro.me)
- Show HN: While the world builds AI Agents, I'm just building calculators (www.calcverse.live)