Hackernews posts about Confido
- How can a top scientist be so confidently wrong? R. A. Fisher and smoking (2022) (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
- NYPD Confidential: Inside America's Most Unconventional Counterterror Squad (www.vanityfair.com)
- Confidential Computing at 1Password (blog.1password.com)
- AI forecasting retrospective: you're (probably) over-confident (nicholas.carlini.com)
- Call to Action: Financial Confidentiality in the Age of Digital Surveillance (www.fightforthefuture.org)
- Copilot Manager doesn't understand Confidentiality [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Why Subordinating Your Ego Shows Confidence [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Confidential Compute and GPUs (ericchiang.github.io)
- Show HN: A website that heatmaps your city based on your housing preferences (theretowhere.com)
- Why LLMs still have problems with OCR (www.runpulse.com)
- Show HN: The Meme Vaccine (memevaccine.com)
- Show HN: Analyze, Launch, & Scale Web3 Projects (liteflow.com)