Hackernews posts about Control Center
- Don't use Control Center to turn off Bluetooth on iPhone (www.androidauthority.com)
- &t MRI scans show damage to brain 'control center' behind long Covid-19 symptoms (medicalxpress.com)
- Snowflake FinOps Center: Control and Monitor Costs with a Free Streamlit App (app.snowflake.com)
- All missing Mac Control Center features in one place (community.folivora.ai)
- iOS WiFi+Bluetooth Disable via Control Center Shortcut (www.youtube.com)
- The CERN Control Center After a Banner Year (profmattstrassler.com)
- Observability is yesterday – GenAI needs a control center (www.businesswire.com)
- Show HN: ScannedReality – Volumetric video demos and capture software beta (scanned-reality.com)
- CEO: 20M US teens use Snapchat, but only 200k parents use controls (techcrunch.com)
- CDC Changes to Covid Wastewater Data Collection (finance.yahoo.com)
- Surveillance and Algorithmic Control in the Call Center (twitter.com)
- New York Rent Control: Could the End Be Near? (www.aei.org)
- Show HN: My attempt at injecting creativity into a stale genre [video] (www.youtube.com)