Hackernews posts about SwiftUI
SwiftUI is an open-source framework developed by Apple that allows developers to build user interfaces for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps using a declarative syntax and a powerful set of UI components.
- SwiftUI Defaults Considered Harmful (tonsky.me)
- The Mac Menubar and SwiftUI (troz.net)
- How I made my SwiftUI app 3x faster (notes.alinpanaitiu.com)
- Secret SwiftUI: A practical use for _VariadicView (blog.jacobstechtavern.com)
- Spices – in-app debug menus in SwiftUI (github.com)
- Show HN: I built an app to stop me doomscrolling by touching grass (touchgrass.now)
- Show HN: Komihåg – Learn and remember things you read (komihag.com)
- Show HN: PairPods – Share audio on macOS (pairpods.app) (pairpods.app)
- Show HN: Enso – Daily Gratitude Journal (enso.now)
- Show HN: From No CS Background to a Diet Tracking App (apps.apple.com)
- Ollama-Swift (nshipster.com)
- Swift's server support powers Things Cloud (www.swift.org)
- Show HN: Swift and stylish e-book reader (www.onibooks.com)
- Swift on Android Working Group (Swift.org) (forums.swift.org)
- Swift proposal: InlineArray, a fixed-size array (github.com)
- gRPC Swift 2 (www.swift.org)
- Swift – Immediately Invoked Closures (encyclopediaofdaniel.com)
- Show HN: Serverless Swift to control Philips Hue bulbs when my sports teams win (www.ryantoken.com)
- Show HN: SwiftKey – Hackable Launcher for macOS (github.com)
- Something I Miss When Coding Swift (collin.blog)
- Show HN: Introducing Swiftybase – A No-Code Backend Builder (swiftybase.com)
- Swift and .env (www.cocoanetics.com)
- Strategic Genius of Taylor Swift (hbr.org)