Hackernews posts about Db2
- Contracts for C++ (DbC) [pdf] (isocpp.org)
- When to Use Cosmos DB (www.pulumi.com)
- How to Export Data in DBeaver (allthingsopen.org)
- SurrealDB launches new DBaaS offering, Surreal Cloud (surrealdb.com)
- DBSP: Automatic Incremental View Maintenance for Rich Query Languages (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
- After 50 years of mystery, siblings claim hijacker DB Cooper was their father (www.theguardian.com)
- Testing with Go and PostgreSQL: Ephemeral DBs (michael.stapelberg.ch)
- Detecting DuckDB Requests in Your Webapp to Route Them to Remote DBs (www.dbreunig.com)
- Building a transaction data lake using Amazon Athena, Apache Iceberg and dbt (ministryofjustice.github.io)
- DbGate: The Smartest SQL+noSQL Database Client (dbgate.org)
- KS DB Merge Tools: Compare and synchronize database schema and data (ksdbmerge.tools)
- Localtower v2: A clean UI to manage your Rails DB schema migrations (damln.medium.com)
- Updated DB Resolver (github.com)
- How to regard the "DB Cooper's identity solved" news (briandunning.substack.com)
- No DB (2012) (blog.cleancoder.com)
- ClickBench – A Benchmark for Analytical DBMS (benchmark.clickhouse.com)
- Loading Data into Redshift with DBT (engineeringblog.yelp.com)
- Dbt no longer open source? (github.com)
- Major Mode for DBML (Dbdiagram.io) (github.com)
- Exploring the Potential of Stonebraker's New DBOS (www.golem.cloud)
- RAG-Native Document DB (db.onenode.ai)
- DBSP: Automatic Incremental View Maintenance for Rich Query Languages (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)