Hackernews posts about Delphi

Delphi is a software development platform and programming language created by Borland, which allows developers to build Windows applications using Object Pascal.

Related: Pascal   Python  
  1. It's 29—Delphi, I mean (blog.marcocantu.com)
  2. Delphi 11 Community Edition (www.embarcadero.com)
  3. Delphic Hymns (en.wikipedia.org)
  4. Is Delphi a Memory Safe Language? (blogs.embarcadero.com)
  5. Delphi: Clone Yourself (www.delphi.ai)
  6. Delphi and Htmx (blog.marcocantu.com)
  7. Delphi Method (en.wikipedia.org)
  8. Delphic Maxims (en.wikipedia.org)
  9. Delphi Method (en.wikipedia.org)