Hackernews posts about Pascal
Pascal is a high-level programming language that was developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s by Niklaus Wirth, primarily for educational purposes, known for its simplicity, ease of use, and efficiency.
- I coded a Pascal compiler for transputer as a teen in 1993 (nanochess.org)
- Going Full Pascal (randsinrepose.com)
- A life-changing challenge guided by Pascal's Wager (2012) (longform.asmartbear.com)
- Books by Niklaus Wirth (pascal.hansotten.com)
- Roleplaying the January 6 Insurrection in a Brooklyn Warehouse (aftermath.site)
- Turbo Pascal Turns 40 (blog.marcocantu.com)
- Why use Pascal? (castle-engine.io)
- Apple's classic Pascal poster, remade as a vector image [pdf] (www.danamania.com)
- Modern Pascal is still in the race (2022) (blog.synopse.info)
- Web-based Turbo Pascal compiler (github.com)
- They don't make 'em like that any more: Borland Turbo Pascal 7 (kevinboone.me)
- Raytracing on AMD’s RDNA 2/3, and Nvidia’s Turing and Pascal (chipsandcheese.com)
- GNU Pascal (2005) (www.gnu-pascal.de)
- Oxygene: A modern language built on the foundation of Object Pascal (www.remobjects.com)
- Pascal in Forth (1983) (tangentstorm.github.io)
- International Pascal Congress (www.pascalcongress.com)
- Late 70s and 80s: forget BASIC, we had Pascal and C (retrofun.pl)
- CudaText: Cross-platform, open source code editor written in Object Pascal (cudatext.github.io)
- Programming Language choices: Pascal, LOGO, Forth, Prolog, C (1986) [video] (clp.bbcrewind.co.uk)
- The Stanford Pascal Compiler (bernd-oppolzer.de)
- Mad Pascal (github.com)
- Rediscovering Turbo Pascal (journal.paoloamoroso.com)
- Pascal for Small Machines (pascal.hansotten.com)
- Pascal deserves a second look (timcoatesinsights.wordpress.com)
- Concurrent Pascal and SuperPascal programming languages (brinch-hansen.net)
- RIP: Pascal Creator Niklaus Wirth (www.theregister.com)
- Railroading the Pascal Language (www.getlazarus.org)
- Free Pascal (www.freepascal.org)
- Things That Turbo Pascal Is Smaller Than (2011) (prog21.dadgum.com)
- Modern Object Pascal Introduction for Programmers (castle-engine.io)
- 40 years of Turbo Pascal, the coding dinosaur that revolutionized IDEs (www.theregister.com)