Hackernews posts about Pascal

Pascal is a high-level programming language that was developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s by Niklaus Wirth, primarily for educational purposes, known for its simplicity, ease of use, and efficiency.

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  1. Going Full Pascal (randsinrepose.com)
  2. Books by Niklaus Wirth (pascal.hansotten.com)
  3. Turbo Pascal Turns 40 (blog.marcocantu.com)
  4. Why use Pascal? (castle-engine.io)
  5. GNU Pascal (2005) (www.gnu-pascal.de)
  6. Pascal in Forth (1983) (tangentstorm.github.io)
  7. International Pascal Congress (www.pascalcongress.com)
  8. The Stanford Pascal Compiler (bernd-oppolzer.de)
  9. Mad Pascal (github.com)
  10. Rediscovering Turbo Pascal (journal.paoloamoroso.com)
  11. Pascal for Small Machines (pascal.hansotten.com)
  12. Pascal deserves a second look (timcoatesinsights.wordpress.com)
  13. Free Pascal (www.freepascal.org)