Hackernews posts about Ecto
- Breaking Down OnlyFans' Economics (www.matthewball.co)
- How economical is your local Taco Bell? (taconomical.com)
- Scammers prey on young Chinese desperate for jobs in bleak economy (www.reuters.com)
- Frustrations with the OCaml ecosystem while developing a synthesizer library (www.gridbugs.org)
- Energy economics and rocket science with Casey Handmer (www.complexsystemspodcast.com)
- Dropped Cheetos Could Have Triggered Ecosystem Chaos in Largest US Cave Chamber (www.iflscience.com)
- Shrinking the economy won't save the planet (www.vox.com)
- Americans are doing less DIY. It's another worrying sign for the economy (www.businessinsider.com)
- EcoFlow's $200 PowerStream (www.theverge.com)
- The future of college in the asset economy (harpers.org)
- SaaS Economics (www.forentrepreneurs.com)
- Brazil's Twitter ban threatens stan-driven global pop culture, media ecosystems (taylorlorenz.substack.com)
- Corruption Fuels Inequality: Staggering Graft Warps China's Economy (www.foreignaffairs.com)
- The Deep Religious Roots of American Economics (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
- Economists like competition but not when it comes to their own field of research (www.theguardian.com)
- The Insidious Elitist Upshot of Behavioral Economics (jacobin.com)
- A mind-boggling device changed economic history (www.ft.com)
- Unit Economics of LLM APIs (www.lesswrong.com)
- South Korea: Housing and Education Drown Out Economic Effect on Birth Rate (www.population.fyi)
- Elixir WebRTC – batteries included WebRTC implementation for Elixir ecosystem (blog.swmansion.com)
- Economist explains why India can never grow like China [video] (www.youtube.com)