Hackernews posts about Element
Element is a technology company that has developed a popular messaging app and has also raised $30 million in funding to boost its Matrix platform.
- A couple CSS tricks for HTML Dialog elements (cassidoo.co)
- The Elements of Euclid (www.c82.net)
- Why is AI so bad at elementary mathematics? (imgur.com)
- About the finite element method (1975) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Solved a Unique Element Counting Problem in Rust on My First Try (www.youtube.com)
- Un-Fixing Fixed Elements with CSS Transforms (meyerweb.com)
- Elementary Cryptanalysis by Helen Gaines (1939) (www.gutenberg.org)
- Synthesis: The Human Element in Search's Evolution (itsbariscan.substack.com)
- Show HN: API Parrot – Automatically Reverse Engineer HTTP APIs (apiparrot.com)
- Show HN: Dimity Jones in Puzzle Castle: An Electronic Escape Novel (obnakwa.itch.io)
- Show HN: GeoGuessr but for Historical Events (www.eggnog.ai)
- Show HN: NimbusGlyph – Weather App but Minimal (nimbusglyph.vercel.app)
- Show HN: Triplit, a new daily word game (triplit.com)
- Show HN: Periodic Table and Wordle = Elemendle (elemendle.com)
- Show HN: One-Click Explanations for Research Papers (www.themoonlight.io)
- Scaling to users requires Synapse Pro (element.io)
- RemObjects C# – compile for Cocoa, Java, or .NET (docs.elementscompiler.com)
- The Elephantine Memories of Food-Caching Birds (www.newyorker.com)
- The Rise of Digital Labor: Redefining Work in the Age of AI (elements.cloud)
- The Elephantine Memories of Food-Caching Birds (www.newyorker.com)