Hackernews posts about Elemind
- Show HN: Periodic Table and Wordle = Elemendle (elemendle.com)
- Show HN: Triplit, a new daily word game (triplit.com)
- Show HN: StyleKit – Instant Website Design Analyzer Chrome Extension (chromewebstore.google.com)
- Show HN: 100 Depth tree search on your iPhone with Rust (apps.apple.com)
- Show HN: Resilience Checklist – itemized list of EU CRA (resilience-checklist.eu)
- Nation-scale Matrix deployments will fail using the community version of Synapse (mastodon.matrix.org)
- Why AI reminds me of cloud computing (bitmasonsllc.blogspot.com)
- Show HN: Tetris in a PDF (th0mas.nl)
- Show HN: I made a productivity app that saves more time than it takes (www.talknotes.tech)
- When industry manipulates science to prevent a PFAS ban (www.lemonde.fr)
- Elemind's headband suppresses alpha waves for better sleep (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Elemind (elemindtech.com)