Hackernews posts about Elle
- Critique of Freakonomics interview with psychologist Ellen Langer (statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu)
- The Mindlessness of Ostensibly Thoughtful Action (1978) [pdf] (jamesclear.com)
- Making Electronic Calipers (kevinlynagh.com)
- The withering dream of a cheap American electric car (www.wsj.com)
- Elsevier may wish they had checked the revision a bit more carefully (community.nodebb.org)
- Exploring the Cost and Feasibility of Battery-Electric Ships (newscenter.lbl.gov)
- In Memoriam: "You-do-it" Electronics (medium.com)
- Which Power Plant Does My Electricity Come From? (practical.engineering)
- POSSE: Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere (indieweb.org)
- AI's Slowdown Is Everyone Else's Opportunity (www.bloomberg.com)
- Coal ash resources and potential for rare earth element production in the U.S. (link.springer.com)
- Exact Quantum Electrodynamics of Radiative Photonic Environments (journals.aps.org)
- Unqualified Texas educators had someone else take their exams (www.nbcnews.com)
- The best laptop is the one somebody else had (ounapuu.ee)
- Life evolves. So do minerals. How about everything else? (www.science.org)
- Microsoft assembles the largest AI agent ecosystem– no one else is close (venturebeat.com)
- Rust and Go versus Everything Else (bitfieldconsulting.com)
- Publish (On Your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere (indieweb.org)
- Fundamental Attribution Error: Why It's Always Someone Else's Fault (www.leadingsapiens.com)
- Fundamental Attribution Error: Why It's Always Someone Else's Fault (www.leadingsapiens.com)
- What is the name of the standard electrical unit? [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Early Adopters Snap Up Attention Inventory Before Everyone Else Drives Up Costs (www.adexchanger.com)