Hackernews posts about Espressif
Espressif is a Chinese technology company that specializes in designing and manufacturing microcontrollers, system-on-chip (SoC) solutions, and related development boards for IoT and embedded systems applications.
- Backdoor detected in ESP32 Espressif IoT chip (www.tarlogic.com)
- ESP32-C2 (ESP8684) Upgrade: More Memory, Storage, and Performance (www.espressif.com)
- Running Python on ESP32-S3 with NuttX (developer.espressif.com)
- esp-hal (no_std Rust on ESP32) 1.0.0 beta announcement (developer.espressif.com)
- Esp-hal 1.0.0 beta announcement (developer.espressif.com)
- LLM Delimiters and Higher-Order Expressions (glthr.com)
- Self-Expression Soothes the ADD Brain (www.additudemag.com)
- Major gene expression changes as a key factor in Alzheimer's pathobiology (alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
- Is NCBI Geo (Gene Expression Omnibus) Down? (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
- Highly expressive ancient puppets found in Salvadorian pyramid (www.popsci.com)
- Methylmercury demethylation by animals expressing microbial enzymes (www.nature.com)
- Towards a Simple and Expressive Query Language [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Show HN: Expressio – open-source Translation Automation (expressio.tech)
- A look at the performance of expression templates in C++: Eigen, Blaze, Fastor (romanpoya.medium.com)
- Massive changes in gene expression as a unifying principle in Alzheimer's (alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com)