Hackernews posts about Experian
Experian is a major credit reporting agency responsible for collecting and sharing consumer financial information to lenders and creditors.
- Gaining Years of Experience in a Few Months (marcgg.com)
- Show HN: A big tech dev experience for an open source CMS (contentfoundry.com)
- Show HN: A Valentine's Day experience for people who aren't celebrating (www.justanotherday.lol)
- What is AX (Agent Experience) and how to improve it (resend.com)
- Ax: Agent experience and why it matters (biilmann.blog)
- Experience: I sailed alone around the world aged 16 (www.theguardian.com)
- Jujutsu and Magit: Experience Report (blog.alarsyo.net)
- An interesting Near Death Experience report (www.nderf.org)
- New study reveals Neanderthals experienced population crash 110k years ago (www.sciencedaily.com)
- Non-profit trains individuals who have experienced human trafficking in tech (anniecannons.org)
- Enhancing engineering workflows with AI: a real-world experience (building.nubank.com.br)
- Experience Is Incompressible (www.startingfromnix.com)
- No code, no experience, no funding – 200 users later, here's what I learned (www.getgraphify.com)
- Experience with semi-formal proofs [video] (www.youtube.com)
- How AI Helps Me at Work: A Developer and Team Manager's Experience (blog.talkable.com)
- Steve Jobs on Customer Experience over Tech [video] (www.youtube.com)
- AX: Why Agent Experience Matters (biilmann.blog)
- Sayintentions.ai – personal experiences using the AI powered ATC simulation (www.icefireair.com)