Hackernews posts about Frink
- The Frankfurt Kitchen (2011) (www.moma.org)
- The Day Benjamin Franklin Broke Our CI (authzed.com)
- New evidence for Planet 9 at the fringes of our solar system (earthsky.org)
- Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1791) (www.gutenberg.org)
- Exploring Frank Lloyd Wright: The Pioneer of Modern and Organic Architecture (www.playforthoughts.com)
- Yo Frankie! Open Game (apricot.blender.org)
- Dr Irving Finkel on AI for Cuneiform Translations [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Benjamin Franklin broke our CI (authzed.com)
- FrankenPHP 1.3: Performance Improvements (dunglas.dev)
- Show HN: Weave - actually measure engineering productivity (app.workweave.ai)
- The importance of rel=canonical for content writers (2023) (blog.frankel.ch)
- How to live under rising authoritarianism (www.vox.com)
- Attacking UEFI (2017) (blog.frizk.net)
- My final take on Gradle vs. Maven (2023) (blog.frankel.ch)
- Peach: A Method for Arc-AGI (twitter.com)
- Langchain4J Musings (blog.frankel.ch)
- A rudimentary quantum network link between Dutch cities (www.tudelft.nl)
- Missing open-source contributor presents a dilemma when accepting their PR (bettersoftware.uk)