Hackernews posts about Fzf
Fzf is a command-line fuzzy finder that allows users to quickly locate and navigate files on their system using only keyboard commands.
- So you've installed `fzf`. Now what? (andrew-quinn.me)
- FFmpeg School of Assembly Language (github.com)
- Tiny JITs for a Faster FFI (railsatscale.com)
- Exploring Polymorphism in C: Lessons from Linux and FFmpeg's Code Design (2019) (leandromoreira.com)
- Saying goodbye to FFmpegKit (tanersener.medium.com)
- Modular forms, the 'fifth fundamental operation' of math (2023) (www.quantamagazine.org)
- Trump purge hits CHIPS Act office, two-fifths of staff to be terminated (www.tomshardware.com)
- US CHIPS Act Office Loses Two-Fifths of Staff to Trump Purge (www.bloomberg.com)
- Wyoming Is Fifth State Allow Guns in Public Schools Without Special Permission (cowboystatedaily.com)
- Trump purge hits CHIPS Act office, two-fifths of staff to be terminated: Report (www.tomshardware.com)
- FSF Use Microsoft Word and Docx to Submit Its Amicus Brief (techrights.org)
- 'A dagger to the heart': can Pakistan recover from latest FIFA ban? (www.theguardian.com)
- Controlling FFmpeg with natural language from the command line (www.dbreunig.com)
- How to trim one or more videos using FFmpeg (www.clipipe.com)
- FFmpeg Lands AV1 RTP Packetizer/Depacketizer (www.phoronix.com)
- Wild Animals Emerge from Layers of Cardboard in Scott Fife's Sculptures (2022) (www.thisiscolossal.com)
- Fifty Years Progress Map (progress.fiftyyears.com)
- Show HN: Mayo – A lightweight, web-based audio player that works offline (mayo.clumsy.fish)
- Show HN: Generate Version 7 UUID's for a Timestamp (uuidv7.org)