Hackernews posts about Fzf
Fzf is a command-line fuzzy finder that allows users to quickly locate and navigate files on their system using only keyboard commands.
- A Practical Guide to Fzf: Vim Integration (thevaluable.dev)
- Show HN: Manage Code Snippets Fast (github.com)
- FFmpeg by Example (ffmpegbyexample.com)
- Guitar chord karaoke with Vamp, Chordino, and FFmpeg (2022) (dylanbeattie.net)
- Video Timelapses with FFmpeg (hannahilea.com)
- FFmpeg-Kit Retires (github.com)
- Anchoring the FSF in Its Values (www.fsf.org)
- All FFmpeg-Kit binaries will be removed soon (github.com)
- How I use FFmpeg and Whisper to add subtitles for free to my videos (www.tommyjepsen.com)
- Shotcut FOSS video editor based on FFmpeg introduces new features (www.shotcut.org)
- The Winner of the FSF 40 Anniversary Logo Contest (www.fsf.org)
- Introduction to FFmpeg (alexandrehtrb.github.io)
- Some thoughts from two-fifths of the way through grad school (benchugg.com)
- Creating a spectrum analyzer for realtime audio (C++, SDL2, FFT) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Subgroupoptimized FFT as a HLSL template library (graphics-programming.org)
- Show HN: I completed shipping my desktop app (pimosa.app)
- Show HN: Open-source AI video editor (github.com)
- Show HN: LLMpeg (github.com)
- Show HN: I made an open-source video editor (github.com)
- Show HN: Sonata – Declarative Web Scraping (www.sonatahq.com)