Hackernews posts about Gov.uk

Gov.uk is the official government website of the United Kingdom, providing citizens and businesses with access to public services, information, and guidance from central and local government.

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  1. We fixed a 'week year' bug (2021) (technology.blog.gov.uk)
  2. AI Opportunities Action Plan [pdf] (assets.publishing.service.gov.uk)
  3. Updating Gov.uk’s crown (insidegovuk.blog.gov.uk)
  4. Gov.uk Conventions for Rails Applications (docs.publishing.service.gov.uk)
  5. Moving .gov.uk to a new registry (technology.blog.gov.uk)
  6. Gov.uk Forms in Motion (gds.blog.gov.uk)
  7. A new search engine for Gov.uk (insidegovuk.blog.gov.uk)
  8. Gov.uk Kubernetes platform user documentation (govuk-k8s-user-docs.publishing.service.gov.uk)
  9. Firebreaks on GOV.UK (2018) (insidegovuk.blog.gov.uk)
  10. Gov.uk Vue (govukvue.org)