Hackernews posts about Graphviz

Graphviz is an open-source graph visualization software that allows users to create diagrams and flowcharts from text-based representations of directed graphs.

Related: Python   Mermaid   PlantUML   Vega   Vega-Lite  
  1. Graphviz (graphviz.org)
  2. Graphviz Gallery (graphviz.org)
  3. Graphviz 11.0 (gitlab.com)
  4. Styling Graphviz with CSS (noncombatant.org)
  5. Styling Graphviz with CSS (noncombatant.org)
  6. Styling Graphviz with CSS (noncombatant.org)
  7. Python Diagrams and Graphviz (freshbrewed.science)