Hackernews posts about Handmade
- Gallery of Handmade Web (www.are.na)
- Why is there a drink called 手打柠檬鸭屎香 = “hand-made lemon duck-feces fragrance”? (chinese.stackexchange.com)
- Selling ‘Handmade’ USB Drives with Pirated Movies Is a Thing (torrentfreak.com)
- Handmade Hero – where is it headed? (2017) (hero.handmade.network)
- The Handmade Conferences (handmadecities.com)
- Handmade paper mill Velké Losiny (1500) (www.rpvl.cz)
- Zeptocore: A handmade, handheld sample player (zeptocore.com)
- A Handmade Web (luckysoap.com)
- Thoughts on Handmade Seattle 2023 (carlsverre.com)
- How handmade Japanese calligraphy ink is made (www.youtube.com)
- Handmade Seattle (Live Now) (handmadecities.com)
- The Handmade Internet: Preserving Authenticity in an AI-Driven World (jeffmorrisjr.substack.com)
- Constructing nodes of a hand-made linked list, how hard can it be? (devblogs.microsoft.com)
- Hand made scooter in production [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Handmade Network (handmade.network)
- How Books Are Handmade at the Last Printing Press of Its Kind in the US (www.youtube.com)
- New Handmade Manifesto (handmade.network)
- Handmade Network Visibility Jam 2023 (handmade.network)
- Handmade Manifesto (handmade.network)
- Tip of the Tongue and Handmade Software (untested.sonnet.io)
- “Weathering Software Winter”, Handmade Seattle 2022 [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Handmade Holograms Are Weird (www.youtube.com)
- Handmade Hero: Introduction to Git (inc. Git-bless) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Handmade Time Machine (handmade.network)
- Show HN: Truncate, a word-based strategy game (truncate.town)
- Show HN: I made Gyroscopic Gyro Sandwiches (transistor-man.com)
- Show HN: A self-published art book about Google's first 25 years (www.damaia.com)