Hackernews posts about HTML5
HTML5 is a set of technologies that allows for the creation of dynamic web pages with multimedia content and offline capabilities, making it a powerful tool for building modern web applications.
- Old School Color Cycling with HTML5 (2011) (www.effectgames.com)
- "Just a copy" – hit iOS game accused of unauthorized HTML5 code theft (arstechnica.com)
- Show HN: Zion Cluster (another indiehacker cursor game) (astro-c9ad.onrender.com)
- Show HN: Image-to-Kaleidoscope-Animation, real-time in the browser (open source) (collidingscopes.github.io)
- Introducing command And commandfor In HTML (developer.chrome.com)
- Customizable HTML Select (developer.chrome.com)
- I Blog with Raw HTML (devpoga.org)
- No longer writing my own damn HTML (claytonwramsey.com)
- Cool native HTML elements you should already be using (harrisonbroadbent.com)
- Show HN: No-html.club, a plain text club (no-html.club)
- Building Websites with Lots of Little HTML Pages (blog.jim-nielsen.com)
- HTML, but Not Too HTML (lars.ingebrigtsen.no)
- Pico CSS: Minimal CSS Framework for Semantic HTML (picocss.com)
- Building a 2D Game with HTML Canvas in Next.js (www.youtube.com)
- Show HN: Tool to convert Google Docs into clean HTML code (docs2html.com)
- Neocities – HTML Websites (neocities.org)
- Convert Markdown to Beautiful HTML Emails Instantly (www.markdowntoemail.com)
- You can't parse [X]HTML with regex (2009) (stackoverflow.com)
- Show HN: Realtime HTML Rendering with LLMs (www.jerpint.io)
- Layoutit Voxel Editor: CSS-Only HTML Cuboids (voxels.layoutit.com)
- Writing a simple JSX to HTML renderer (2023) (oliverjam.es)
- Show HN: Free online waitlist generator page (made with only an HTML page) (www.thelightis.com)