Hackernews posts about IDF
- SQLite3 for ESP32 IDF (github.com)
- I Built 'Similar Topics' Feature Without Embeddings (igorstechnoclub.com)
- Why blog if nobody reads it? (andysblog.uk)
- Broken legs and ankles heal better if you walk on them within weeks (www.scientificamerican.com)
- Signal to leave Sweden if backdoor law passes (swedenherald.com)
- What if Eye...? (eyes.mit.edu)
- If it is worth keeping, save it in Markdown (p.migdal.pl)
- If you ever stacked cups in gym class, blame my dad (defector.com)
- Nvidia Security Team: “What if we just stopped using C?” (2022) (blog.adacore.com)
- ICE wants to know if you're posting negative things about it online (theintercept.com)
- September 17, 1787: "A Republic, If You Can Keep It" (www.nps.gov)
- MS Paint IDE (ms-paint-i.de)
- What would happen if we didn't use TCP or UDP? (github.com)
- Pee If You Want to Go Deeper (2021) (peeifyouwanttogofaster.com)
- Yoke: Infrastructure as code, but actually (xeiaso.net)
- Moscow-based global news network has infected Western AI tools (www.newsguardrealitycheck.com)
- Japan can be a science heavyweight once more if it rethinks funding (www.nature.com)
- What, if anything, should I do about using Mozilla's Firefox (neilzone.co.uk)
- Git clone –depth 2 is vastly better than –depth 1 if you want to Git push later (stackoverflow.com)
- DIY "infinity contrast" TV – with 100% recycled parts [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Some Programming Language Ideas (davidbos.me)
- Another Conflict Between Privacy Laws and Age Authentication–Murphy v Confirm ID (blog.ericgoldman.org)
- What if America turned off Britain's weapons? (www.reaction.life)
- Signal will withdraw from Sweden if encryption-busting laws take effect (www.theregister.com)