Hackernews posts about Laravel
Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework that enables developers to build robust and scalable web applications quickly and efficiently.
- Laravel Cloud (app.laravel.cloud)
- Goravel: A Go framework inspired by Laravel (www.goravel.dev)
- Laravel Cloud (cloud.laravel.com)
- Laravel 12: Changes Frustrating Long-Time Users (www.vincentschmalbach.com)
- Laravel 12 (laravel.com)
- Show HN: Custom AI Assistants for Laravel Filament (github.com)
- Symfony vs. Laravel: A Humble Request (medium.com)
- Laravel 12 Svelte Starter Kit (laravel-news.com)
- Laravel vs. Django and Rails for SaaS Development (www.vincentschmalbach.com)
- Laravel Nightwatch (nightwatch.laravel.com)
- Show HN: Summarize, RAG Search, and Share Podcasts - Audio Brevity (audiobrevity.com)
- Show HN: A clean, customizable QR Code Generator built with TailwindCSS (www.convertloom.com)
- Unraveling Time: A Deep Dive into TTD Instruction Emulation Bugs (cloud.google.com)
- Study Finds Domestic Cats Traveled the Silk Road to China About 1,400 Years Ago (www.smithsonianmag.com)
- A Bicycle Traveller (www.bicycletraveller.de)
- The US island that speaks Elizabethan English (www.bbc.com)
- Grok3 Launch [video] (x.com)
- Acorn – Use Laravel Inside WordPress (roots.io)
- I'm Switching from Laravel to Rails (old.reddit.com)
- Why I love Laravel (2022) (ben.page)
- Why is no Laravel/Rails in JavaScript? Will there be one? (zenstack.dev)
- I Really Miss Laravel (old.reddit.com)
- Laravel raises a $57M Series A from Accel (laravel-news.com)
- Laravel 11 (laravel-news.com)
- Laravel raises $57M Series A from Accel (fortune.com)
- Laravel Cloud – first party deployment platform announcement (cloud.laravel.com)
- Show HN: API Platform for Laravel (api-platform.com)
- The History of Laravel's dd() [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Laravel 11 Now Available (blog.laravel.com)
- Laravel Raises $57M Series A (youform.com)
- Show HN: JetShip – Laravel SaaS Boilerplate – Tailwind CSS and FlyonUI (demos.themeselection.com)
- I'm Switching from Laravel to Rails (old.reddit.com)