Hackernews posts about LIBS
- Black Pioneer, White Frontier (sites.libsyn.com)
- Doug McIlroy Facts (git.9front.org)
- Clojure Bindings for Scryer Prolog (github.com)
- LibreOffice still kicking at 40, now with browser tricks and real-time collab (www.theregister.com)
- NASA has a list of 10 rules for software development (www.cs.otago.ac.nz)
- List of DRM-Free Bookshops (libreture.com)
- Maxima in the browser using Embedded Common Lisp on WASM (maxima-on-wasm.pages.dev)
- Ear muscle we thought humans didn't use activates when people listen hard (www.frontiersin.org)
- Schemesh: Fusion between Unix shell and Lisp REPL (github.com)
- List of 200 UK companies that moved to 4-day working week (future4days.com)
- Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp (www.macintoshrepository.org)
- These years in Common Lisp: 2023-2024 in review (lisp-journey.gitlab.io)
- Ax falls on elite group of PhDs training to lead U.S. public health labs (www.science.org)
- iText PDF Library turns 25 (itextpdf.com)