Hackernews posts about Linux
Linux is an open-source operating system designed to be highly customizable and adaptable for various devices and applications.
- Steve Langasek, one of Ubuntu Linux's leading lights, has died (thenewstack.io)
- Colliding with the SHA prefix of Linux's initial Git commit (people.kernel.org)
- I spent 18 years in the Linux console (eugene-andrienko.com)
- ELKS: Linux for 16-bit Intel Processors (github.com)
- Linux Context Switching Internals: Process State and Memory (blog.codingconfessions.com)
- Why Linux is not ready for the desktop, the final edition (itvision.altervista.org)
- Linux Cracking Bible – The GNU Testament (github.com)
- Linux Routing Fundamentals (blog.sdn.clinic)
- Wine 10.0 RC4 – Run Windows Applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and macOS (gitlab.winehq.org)
- Linux mailbox subsystem is a poor excuse for abstracting (Asahi Linux) (social.treehouse.systems)
- Building a Tiny Linux from Scratch (blinry.org)
- AMD Continued Ramping Up Their Linux and Open-Source Investments in 2024 (www.phoronix.com)
- Support for ASHA hearing aids coming to Linux (asymptotic.io)
- Diving into the world of Linux WiFi drivers (inconsistentrecords.co.uk)
- Find Your Footing After Installing Arch Linux (ejmastnak.com)
- Intel's Linux Performance Optimizations Continue Paying Off for AMD EPYC (www.phoronix.com)
- Fixing sleep-wake hangs on Linux with AMD GPUs (nyanpasu64.gitlab.io)
- A gotcha with importing ZFS pools and NFS exports on Linux (utcc.utoronto.ca)
- Transmission a Fast, Easy and Free BitTorrent Client for macOS, Windows, Linux (transmissionbt.com)
- Wine 10.0 RC5 – Run Windows Applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and macOS (gitlab.winehq.org)
- Parallels can run x86 versions of Windows or Linux on Apple Silicon (arstechnica.com)