Hackernews posts about Log4j
Log4j is an open-source logging library for Java applications that helps developers track and troubleshoot their programs' behavior.
- Study shows 38% of Java apps still affected by Log4j vulnerability log4shell (www.theregister.com)
- Securing the Fundamentals: Our Support for Log4j (www.sovereigntechfund.de)
- Dynamically Changing Log4j or logback log levels in Java (prefab.cloud)
- Apache Log4j: The Exploit That Almost Killed the Internet (www.youtube.com)
- Building package-level, runtime configurable logging ala Log4j in Go (www.dolthub.com)
- Show HN: I've open sourced DD Poker (github.com)
- LogJam Attack [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Log4Shell malware written in D language (www.securityweek.com)
- Log4u.info – Log Your Work (www.log4u.info)
- Log4Shell Retrospective: Overblown and Exaggerated (vulncheck.com)
- MiTLS, Triple Handshake, Smack, Freak, Logjam, and Sloth (www.mitls.org)
- FERC Tries to Break Power Grid Logjams (www.wsj.com)
- Show HN: Pip Installable DuckDB Extensions (github.com)