Hackernews posts about McKinsey
McKinsey is a global management consulting firm that has been accused of playing a significant role in the US opioid crisis by working with pharmaceutical companies to promote their products and influence government policies.
- Elon Musk spells danger for Accenture, McKinsey and their rivals (www.economist.com)
- Tough trade-offs: How time and career choices shape the gender pay gap (www.mckinsey.com)
- How AI is transforming strategy development (www.mckinsey.com)
- Returning to the office? Focus more on practices and less on the policy (www.mckinsey.com)
- Have McKinsey and its consulting rivals got too big? (www.economist.com)
- Ex-Finance developers mock McKinsey's monitoring metrics (www.efinancialcareers.com)
- Remote Work to Wipe Out $800B from Office Values, McKinsey Says (www.bnnbloomberg.ca)
- Ted Chiang: Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey? (www.newyorker.com)
- What McKinsey got wrong about developer productivity (leaddev.com)
- Confessions of a McKinsey Whistleblower (www.thenation.com)
- McKinsey Starts Eliminating 1,400 Roles This Week in a Rare Round of Job Cuts (www.bloomberg.com)
- McKinsey Is Under Criminal Investigation for Its Opioid Work (www.nytimes.com)
- McKinsey, technocratic management, and structural inequality (www.theatlantic.com)
- McKinsey and its consulting industry peers face headwinds (www.bloomberg.com)
- Remote Work to Wipe Out $800B from Office Values, McKinsey Says (www.bloomberg.com)
- McKinsey: Yes, you can measure software developer productivity (www.mckinsey.com)
- McKinsey Developer Productivity Review (dannorth.net)
- Biggest Losers of AI Boom Are Knowledge Workers, McKinsey Says (www.bloomberg.com)
- Generative AI Could Add $4.4T a Year to the Global Economy, McKinsey Finds (singularityhub.com)
- Measuring developer productivity? A response to McKinsey (newsletter.pragmaticengineer.com)
- McKinsey and its contradictions (www.nationalreview.com)
- McKinsey's 2024 annual book recommendations (www.mckinsey.com)
- McKinsey’s Role in the SVB Collapse (www.washingtonpost.com)
- McKinsey to Pay at Least $500M in DOJ Opioid Probe (www.bloomberg.com)
- McKinsey: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (www.youtube.com)
- McKinsey Reveals: Leaders Are Wrong About Why Employees Quit (www.worktango.com)